

Every once in a while I send hand picked things I've learned. Kind of like your filter to the tech internet. No spam, I promise!

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This Changes Everything About .env Files

Thank you to our sponsors who keep this newsletter free to the reader: Aikido is your no-nonsense DevSecOps platform. One central system that shows you what matters and how to fix it, from code to cloud. So you can get back to building. Try Aikido today! We’ve all been there – that heart-stopping moment when you realize you’ve accidentally exposed sensitive information. Today, I’m sharing a personal story and introducing a tool that could save you from a similar nightmare. The Nightmare...

Hi friends! Today we’re diving deep into improving your terminal history management. Exploring techniques that can transform your command line experience from frustrating to fluid. Whether you’re a CLI novice or a terminal titan, these methods will boost your productivity and smoothen your workflow. To do that, we’ll explore three levels of terminal command management, from basic to advanced. Not actually running on my phone 😅 1. Basic: Built-in (mostly unused) tooling: Even without...

Hi friends, Tmux is a fantastic tool for managing terminal sessions, but it has its limitations. One major drawback is the lack of a floating pane feature, which can make navigating between different panes cumbersome and inefficient. Me frustrated with Tmux lack of floating panes while Zellij is killing it... Most users workaround this by creating new Tmux windows or panes, or by using hidden splits to zoom in and out. These methods work but can be inefficient and require many keystrokes,...

My Neovim takes roughly 113ms to fire up. THIS IS FAST. However, I don’t lazy load anything. Being a Lazy.nvim user, it’s kind of a shame I’m not actually making use of my plugin manager's flagship feature. But then again, it takes 113ms for nvim to start, what is there to gain here? Let’s say I drop it to 50ms. I gained 60ms which means that if I’m going to spend 30 minutes to actually reduce it, I’d have to open Neovim 15,929 times to get my time back 🤣. With an average of probably 5 times...

Hi Friends! Curious about Nix? Me too. The past few months of exploring it were quite interesting, to say the least. And it still feels like I've barely scratched the surface. [TL;DR] That said, it's already replacing some of my old workflows and I'm really happy discovering it, even while not even using Linux for most of my local work. What’s Nix? Nix is a powerful suite of tools, including a package manager (Nixpkgs), language (Nix DSL), and operating system (NixOS). It provides a robust...

Hello friends, Today, we’re diving into the world of dotfiles. If you’ve ever customized your terminal, text editor, or shell, you’ve likely encountered the concept of managed dotfiles. Let’s explore why managing these configuration files is essential, how to handle them locally with stow and symlinks, and how to sync them remotely to a remote dedicated machine we create using Coder. What Are Dotfiles? Dotfiles are a collection of configuration files that allow you to configure applications...

Hi friends, I have a (yet another) workflow problem Managing the terminal and Neovim efficiently can be confusing. Is Neovim a terminal app, or is the terminal a Neovim process? There are too many options: multiplexing, terminal commands, and various plugins. How Most People Solve It Most developers tend to fire up another GUI window for their terminal. The more “advanced” use a terminal tab, completely unaware of Neovim’s internal emulator they can start with :terminal. Why It Doesn’t Work...

Hi friends! “The nice thing about Git is that it’s very general. … There is a lot of stuff you can do with Git; it’s not just version control that it’s fun to play with.” - Scott Chacon, GitHub's co-founder A recent talk with the same title as this email was given by Scott Chacon, founder of GitHub, to students earlier this year. I was so inspired by it that I watched it repeatedly and decided to summarize the tips and tricks I discovered—features I didn’t even know existed after a decade of...

Over 8 years of daily usage and I’m still surprised weekly with a new motion or capability. In this issue, I’ll be sharing insights and tips on configuring Neovim, derived from my extensive experience. Let’s dive in! Tips for Beginners (and Advanced Users!) Start Vanilla: Well not 100% vanilla, get yourself vim-sensible and start rocking VIm until you feel confident to move on. DO NOT copy other people’s config. If you must, make sure you understand every line! This issue is my attempt at...

Hi! I don’t know if you’ve been following DHH’s recent rekindled love affair ❤️🔥 with the Terminal, but it is such a joy to see a tech thought leader sharing his excitement with multiplexers, Neovim, and Terminal user interfaces! DHH's Terminal setup with Alacritty Zellij and Neovim This, along with many questions I’ve received over the past months asking about my setup, tooling, and general workflow, inspired me to create both a video (coming out today 👀) and a written blueprint that I’m...