Hi Friends, Today, we’re diving into the often under-appreciated Often used to find out who last modified a line of code,
Ignoring Whitespace with the
Every once in a while I send hand picked things I've learned. Kind of like your filter to the tech internet. No spam, I promise!
This Neovim "Plugin" Replaces 40 Others You know the feeling of finding a new improvement to your setup that you KNOW is going to change it completely? "Imagine living your entire life carrying heavy loads on your back dragging things through the road thinking: `well that's just how it is`" - Homo sapiens, before the invention of the wheel That's exactly what coding without mini.nvim feels like once you've experienced its power, especially if you're Neovim setup was closer to vanilla. Will...
This $600 Keyboard's Best Feature Is Also Its Biggest Flaw I always felt like my keyboard was missing something. First, it was the ergonomic split that my wrists craved. Then, when I got my Moonlander, it was the awkward reach for crucial keys (what's up with that thumb cluster ZSA?). Until one day, I stumbled upon a keyboard that seems similar, but is very much different: the Dygma Defy, a keyboard that promised to turn my thumbs into power users. The Defy arrived like a treasure chest....
THIS Is The Terminal For People Who Just Want Things To Work Picture this: You're watching a skilled developer, one that you value their skills, repeatedly hitting the up arrow key, hunting for that command they used yesterday. Then, another senior, pops up three different default terminal windows just to show you their process running, while sending requests from the other, instead of simply splitting their terminal screen. Sound familiar? That's the reality for the vast majority of terminal...