Run Code Anywhere: A Modern Guide to Docker
Imagine a world where your code runs flawlessly across any environment – from your laptop to production servers – without the dreaded "but it works on my machine" syndrome.
That's the promise of containers, and they've revolutionized how we develop, test, and deploy applications.
Containers emerged as a solution to the chaos of maintaining traditional servers, where applications would conflict with each other and overwrite data.
Using Linux namespaces, containers create isolated environments that efficiently allocate resources without interfering with neighboring processes. Which is a fancy way to say you can split CPU and memory without starving other process on the host.
This technology has evolved from virtual machines to the containerization we know today, making development more consistent and deployment more reliable, but most importantly, more resource efficient.
What's the Problem?
Back in the day (10-20 years ago), companies used to hold in-house massive servers in their basements.
These servers ran multiple applications that frequently conlicting with each other – requiring different versions of utilities, fighting over disk space and memory, and as a result sometimes overwriting each other's data.
It was a maintenance nightmare (although at the time, it was just "IT life").
Virtual Machines Changed Everything
The tech world's first attempt at solving this was virtual machines – completely isolated environments with their own operating systems.
While this worked, it was resource-intensive and inefficient.
Don't get me wrong, this technology was born in the seventies, and was the go-to approach for about three decades, but we're here to talk about modern days.
Virtual machines essentially duplicate entire operating systems, consuming significant resources.
The Container Approach: Lightweight Isolation
Containers emerged based on Linux namespaces, creating efficient isolation without the overhead.
They allow different applications to run side-by-side without conflict, sharing the same underlying system while maintaining separation.
This means you can:
- Run multiple applications without conflicts
- Ensure consistent environments from development to production
- Use minimal resources compared to virtual machines
- Package applications with all their dependencies
“With Docker, you can spin up a new container in seconds, which is significantly faster than provisioning a full virtual machine, leading to faster development cycles and improved agility.”
- The Docker documentation
Essential Container Commands
Basic Commands:
podman/docker ps
- List running containers
podman/docker ps -a
- List all containers (including stopped ones)
podman/docker images
- View stored container images
podman/docker pull [image]
- Download container images
podman/docker run [image]
- Start a container
podman/docker run -it [image] sh
- Start a container with interactive shell
podman/docker run -d [image]
- Run container in detached mode
podman/docker run -p [host:container]
- Map ports between host and container
podman/docker run -P
- Map random ports
podman/docker stop [container]
- Stop a running container
podman/docker container prune
- Remove all stopped containers
Build and Management:
podman/docker build -t [name] .
- Build a container from Dockerfile
podman/docker tag [id] [name]
- Add a name to an existing image
podman/docker exec -it [container] sh
- Get a shell in a running container
Compose Commands:
podman/docker compose up
- Start multi-container environment
podman/docker compose down
- Stop and remove multi-container environment
podman/docker compose logs
- View logs from compose environment
podman/docker compose stop [service]
- Stop specific service in compose
podman/docker compose start [service]
- Start specific service in compose
Building Efficient Containers
Building containers is rather easy, and while there are tools to help with that, here's a simple Golang image:
FROM golang:alpine
COPY . .
RUN go build
CMD ["./main"]
Run `docker build -f my-container.Dockerfile .` (can skip the -f
A pro tip is the multi-stage build approach.
This dramatically reduces container size by using one container to build the application and another minimal container to run it (basically implementing a CI pipeline into your container build process):
FROM golang:alpine AS builder
COPY . .
RUN go build
FROM scratch
COPY --from=builder /app/main .
CMD ["./main"]
What we did here is to build the app as usual, then take only the binary artifact into a distro-less image!
This approach reduced the container size from 340MB to just 7MB!!!
Development Workflow Enhancement
For development, mounting your local directory to the container creates a powerful workflow:
image: myapp
- ./:/app
command: tail -f /dev/null
This setup lets you make code changes on your local machine and see them instantly reflected in the container, streamlining the development-test cycle.
All that's left is to `docker exec -it
Containers have transformed development workflows from frustrating environment mismatches to seamless, consistent experiences.
Whether you're a solo developer or part of a large team, mastering containers is now an essential skill that will make your code run smoothly anywhere, and makes team work, open source, or just life-long projects because infinitely easier to maintain and work on!
Thank you for reading.
Feel free to reply directly with any question or feedback.
Have a great weekend!
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