The Future of DevOps

Hi friends,

If you had asked me about the future of DevOps / infrastructure a few years ago, I would’ve pointed straight to serverless.

I don’t think that anymore.

After this week’s Kubecon in Paris (amazing event by the way!), here’s a collection of thoughts and prediction on the future of tech.

While serverless was a big deal, the rise of container technology and Kubernetes has been astonishing, even the biggest advocates of the technology did not expect this much adoption.

Serverless, as a function-based solution, seem to be stagnating. It’s driven by practical issues like cost, complexity, and the developer experience.

Plus, Amazon’s shift from Lambda to a monolith earlier this year alongside DDH’s take on it, shedding even more light on the subject, did not contribute.

Looking ahead, I see a trend towards automated solutions that simplify using cloud services from providers like AWS, Azure, Hetzner, or OVH. This approach is “somewhat serverless” but leans more towards using containers.

Let me explain.

Examples like Heroku, Netlify, Vercel, and AWS Amplify are making it easier for developers by reducing complexity, and automating DevOps tasks.

These platforms are mainly for smaller projects right now, but I believe bigger operations will soon catch on. They realize these automated solutions can take over much of the DevOps workload, especially with a bit of AI integration.

I predict that such solutions like these could meet the needs of about 80% of businesses. The remaining 20% might find the cost too high or the solutions not fitting their unique needs.

There’s also a wave of new technologies making cloud services faster, more efficient, and cheaper—like faster Docker builds with deopt, better microVMs with KraftCloud, and enhanced object storage (Minio), or even better block storage with SimplyBlock.

It’s clear that user-friendly, integrated deployment solutions are becoming more common, promising lower costs and better performance.

I’m excited to watch how this evolves and am even considering creating something myself in this space. For now, these are the trends shaping our industry’s future.

Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help you

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