

Why Digital Organization Matters

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

Hi friends,

Benjamin Franklin once said:

“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.”

This applies not only to life but also to work, and more specifically to digital workspaces. It sounds simplistic, but as with most things, it’s easier said than done. A lot of my content revolves around productivity and the importance of organizing knowledge. A huge part of tool-belt when it comes to organizing my environment is Tmux. There are lots of reasons for why Tmux is my choice, even over great alternatives like Zellij, one of which is the ability to use multiple sessions efficiently.

However, this wasn’t always the case. Tmux doesn’t come by default with a sensible way of managing sessions and making sure switching between them and managing them is frictionless in any way.

There were lots of attempts made to reconcile this issue, like t-smart-manager, the famous "sessionizer" by ThePrimeagen, and other tools, but non satisfied my requirements.

I wanted something simple, visually pleasing, and extremely efficient both in navigation, life-cycle management of sessions (creating, renaming, deleting etc), and easy to use in just one key binding.

And so, I created “Tmux SessionX” (because “yet another tmux session manager” is not a good Github repo name).

This little tool, gives me everything I wanted -

  • I can keep custom paths ready to be converted into working sessions just like the infamous sessionizer.
  • I can create, edit, delete, preview and so much more in just one pop up customizeable window with as little friction as possible.

All of a sudden, Tmux sessions became my go-to tool for organization. I use it for my second-brain notes, for work, open source projects and more. With Tmux Ressurect I keep my known structure of sessions always available and from someone who battled with multiple windows, cleaning up terminal mess, and fighting with conflicting Vim sessions, I now know where everything is, I know how to get there and how to come back. With Zoxide integrated I don’t even have to think about the paths with which I want to create my sessions, and the entire system just works.

If you’re curious, give it a try, (and even if not) I would highly appreciate it if you give Tmux SessionX a star ⭐ and maybe also a test run!
Feel free to open issues with any bugs or features you like, or even join the growing list of contributors!

As always, please do share any comments, suggestions, or feedback with me directly as a reply to this email, or DM me on Twitter!

Have a great weekend,


Every once in a while I send hand picked things I've learned. Kind of like your filter to the tech internet. No spam, I promise!


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